Alok Mishra stands out as a transformative figure in the evolving landscape of academia, where technological innovation is increasingly influencing traditional disciplines. A poet, critic, and educator of notable repute, Alok Mishra has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to reshaping the literary narrative by leveraging digital platforms. His 2017 English Literature Education initiative marked a significant… Continue reading
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Join this helpful self-publishing community today!
With many people trying their skills at writing, the choice for publishers has really limited and the same stands true for the writers as well. It’s a fundamental rule in the publishing industry that no one takes care of the newcomers and they have to do it by themselves. Publish your book, prove your mettle… Continue reading
Elephants in the Room Launches in September 2018
Upcoming books which make it out on the hit list are always talked, discussed and sought for a beta reading – why the hell is so much noise over it? This is the one question which always arises. So, today, we are going to discuss one such book which is scheduled to be released in… Continue reading
Our Reading List for coming days
Often, before reading our favourite books or the new books, we try to make a list which contains the names of all the books we are eying. This month, we are also creating a list of books we will be reviewing this month and the next. Moreover, this list can also serve the readers who… Continue reading
Responsibilities of Fiction Readers
By default, a person is compelled to grow up understanding certain things about literature produced in English language – Shakespeare was the greatest ever dramatist; Wordsworth was the greatest poet and can only be put next to Shakespeare; Dickens was the greatest ever novelist in English language; there did not happen such case that any… Continue reading
Indian Fiction and the World Literature
Indeed; we need to talk about Indian fiction in a frank environment and we certainly have to understand that are we really over-doing our fiction? Are we becoming repetitive and just re-working the same themes again and again? Like the overburdened Bollywood which does not know how to respect movies that have a different taste,… Continue reading
Here We GO – Follow Us!
Find me a person (different than the animals who don’t read) who does not like reading and I will find you the pot of gold which lies at the point where the rainbow touches the earth! And you will say me if I am mad and I will tell you the same – anyone who… Continue reading