Reading philosophical novels differs significantly from engaging with casual contemporary fiction in purpose and intellectual engagement. Philosophical novels often delve into profound existential questions, ethical dilemmas, and abstract ideas, requiring readers to engage in critical thought and introspection. Unlike contemporary fiction, which primarily seeks to entertain or narrate relatable experiences, philosophical novels often challenge preconceived… Continue reading
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There is no better time (than now) to begin reading classics in literature – read these books now!
I have always felt modern literature (anytime) should draw its inspiration from the legendary publications that became timeless. We still remember works by Thomas Hardy, Austen, Eliot, Thackeray and who can forget Shakespeare! They were the greats who produced amazing works of literature. However, in modern literature, we seldom get to witness a book that… Continue reading
Want to know Indian history? Confused about Indology and Indic studies? Read these authors
Indic history, Indology, the history of the native (by the native) and the other side of Indian history are coming to the fore. These subjects are not coming to the front suddenly. The rise of Indic history is a constant phenomenon, suppressed by various forces in different times. However, with the regime change in India… Continue reading
5 Indian Novels you must read – a happy reader’s list
There are many novels and many novelists who remain in our minds for a long time. Inevitably, we tend to share these works and this is what I am going to do in this list. I will be sharing 5 wonderful novels with you that I have read over the year and as the year… Continue reading
God, Existence, Truth, Reality & Similarities: non-fiction books you must read in August 2020
What is truth? What is lie? What is, then, a statement? Life is complicated and we understand that asking one question, at times, might lead to another… and so on. Nevertheless, in special hours, we also come across literature that can help us understand or at least further inquire into these eternal questions that intrigue… Continue reading
5 Inspirational Books You Must Read – A List
The world is full of complexities and we add more to it. Sometimes we do it knowingly while we do it unconsciously all the times. Someone has rightly said ‘Life is easy we make it complicated’ and this is true. Especially, in the modern world where we have multiple tasks to complete, we often find… Continue reading
5 Novels by Indian Authors you MUST read!
Who are the five Indian authors that you read? Mostly, the favourites who make on the list are from the passionate corridors of fiction who write about ‘skin on skin’ face-offs and take away the senses of the readers (mostly youths). However, have you ever tried to look beyond the trend? Have you ever looked… Continue reading